The Echoes is the publication of the 306th Bomb Group Historical Association. For most of its history, Russell Strong served as its editor;
he was followed by Dr. Vernon Williams and at our September 2014 reunion Nancy Huebotter assumed the position as Editor.
To contact the editor, email:
All issues of Echoes published to date are now available online; click on desired issue below. The number preceding the name of the issue
is the sequential number of the issue since the first one. It is a convenient way to uniquely identify an issue.
A book of Echoes with an index was published by our Association in 2001 that contained copies of issues from 1975 to 2000.
Because all issues are on this site, only certain pages of the book have been scanned, they include:
the index pages, lists of Pilots, Navigators, Bombardiers,and Radar operators, to view
Click here.
NOTE: the book's index was prepared by hand without the advantages of computer technology as electronic versions of those Echoes did not exist.
Thus, there are many errors; however, it is a good aid.
The scanned pages are from a copy used by multi-year Secretary Barbara Neal and has her handwritten notes including additions and corrections that are also useful.